WI-0025 - Generic Interworking

This work item provides a plan of what needs to be done to enhance the oneM2M System to interwork with - not oneM2M based - Area Networks and their devices (subsequently called ‘interworked systems’) The target of this WI is a ‘generic’ way how such interworking can be accomplished for any kind of interworked system with small additional standardization/specification effort in oneM2M and for any specific interworked system. It also strives for minimal need of administrative configuration and for plug-and-play (minimal manual customization need) as far as possible. Generic Interworking could be utilized for “Device Abstraction”. The WI is based on Rel-1 work contained in TR-0007 by utilizing semantic description of the interworked system.

Output of WI-0031
Change requests to existing TSs TS-0001, TS-0002, TS-0003 Rapporteur:
Joerg Swetina, NEC
Change requests to existing TRs TR-0007


Schedule for WI-0032
Doc Type Spec Number Milestone dates Primary responsible Notes Download
Start Change Control Freeze Approval
TR 0007 TP15 n/a TP17 TP18 MAS WG -- n/a
TS 0002 TP15 n/a TP17 TP17 REQ WG -- n/a
TS 0012 TP15 TP18 TP19 TP20 MAS WG -- n/a
TS 0001 TP17 n/a TP19 TP20 ARC WG -- n/a
TS 0003 TP17 n/a TP19 TP20 SEC WG -- n/a
TS 0004 TP19 n/a TP20 TP21 PRO WG -- n/a

Note: Current status for each TR will be highlighted following each TP:

- Green=    Achieved
- Amber=  On Target
- Red=        Missed

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Last update: 2015-04-22


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Last update: 2015-01-16