WI-0040 - Enhancements to Subscription/Notification Framework

This work item provides a plan of what needs to be done to enhance the oneM2M System to interwork with - not oneM2M based - Area Networks and their devices (subsequently called ‘interworked systems’) The target of this WI is to enhance the subscription/notification framework defined in Rel-1.

V0.0.1 approved at TP17, May 2015

Output of WI-0041
Change requests to existing TSs TS-0001 & TS-0004 Rapporteur: SeungMyeong JEONG , LGE


Schedule for WI-0041
Impacted TS/TR CR number (when known) Subject of the CR Approved
at Plenary
Impacted WG Notes
TS-0001 n/a  subscription/notification mechanism
non-blocking communication mechanism
TP20 - Nov 2015 ARC WG n/a 
TS-0004 n/a subscription/notification mechanism
non-blocking communication mechanism
TP21 - Jan 2016 PRO WG n/a


Note: Current status for each TR will be highlighted following each TP:

- Green=    Achieved
- Amber=  On Target
- Red=        Missed

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Last update: 2015-06-22