WI-0042 - Application developer guide

The present Work Item proposes a guideline for application developers who want to use functionalities offered by an oneM2M service platform.

When implementing a standard, it is frequently requested from software developer community to get some tutorials describing for basic use cases, some procedures and scenarios, including diagrams, message flows, message traces samples, resource description samples, etc.. … Such document would be helpful in software development to provide overall understanding of the main functions offered by the oneM2M architecture, before going more deeply into the analysis of the oneM2M standards.

V1.0.0 approved at TP18, July 2015

Output of WI-0042
New Technical Report(s) TR-00XX - Application developer guide Rapporteur: Laurent Velez , ETSI


Schedule for WI-0042
Doc Type Spec Number Milestone dates Primary responsible Notes Download
Start Change Control Freeze Approval
TR 00xx TP 19
TP 22
TP 23
TP 25
n/a n/a

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Last update: 2015-08-13